AOM Cargo

Full-service container shipping solutions for your global cargo needs

Full-service container shipping solutions
for your global cargo needs

Full-service container shipping solutions for your global cargo needs

Containers with labels inside: Seamless transportation, all in one

Our services offer a comprehensive solution where we handle the entire organization of transporting any cargo.
You only need to specify the start and end point of delivery — we take care of the rest. So you can focus on your business, and we ensure the smoothness and efficiency of the transportation process. No need to worry about details.
The quality of our team’s work has been proven over time with clients who collaborate with us regularly. We provide seamless transportation — your cargo is in reliable hands from departure to arrival.

We offer B2B cargo and logistics services worldwide, including Ukraine. 

Our services offer a comprehensive solution where we handle the entire organization of transporting any cargo.
You only need to specify the start and end point of delivery — we take care of the rest. So you can focus on your business, and we ensure the smoothness and efficiency of the transportation process. No need to worry about details.
The quality of our team’s work has been proven over time with clients who collaborate with us regularly. We provide seamless transportation — your cargo is in reliable hands from departure to arrival.

We offer B2B cargo and logistics services worldwide, including Ukraine. 

Our services

End-to-end transportation services with global freight forwarders

Ocean freight symbol

Ocean Freight

• Cost efficiency for large shipments
• Large and scalable deliveries
• Oversized and specialized shipments
• Stability

Air freight symbol

Air Freight

• Fast shipping
• Routing flexibility
• Inventory optimization

Ocean freight symbol

Ocean Freight

• Cost efficiency for large shipments
• Large and scalable deliveries
• Oversized and specialized shipments
• Stability

Air freight symbol

Air Freight

• Fast shipping
• Routing flexibility
• Inventory optimization

Ocean Freight

  • Cost efficiency for large shipments
  • Large and scalable deliveries
  • Oversized and specialized shipments
  • Stability

Air Freight

  • Fast shipping
  • Routing flexibility
  • Inventory optimization
The advantages
of working with us

Our key features in cargo logistics

Comprehensive freight transportation organization

We take care of the entire logistics chain and organization of freight transportation so that our clients can rest assured: we have contracts with leading freight companies in the market and oversee and resolve all potential difficulties.

Comprehensive freight
transportation organization

We take care of the entire logistics chain and organization of freight transportation so that our clients can rest assured: we have contracts with leading freight companies in the market, and oversee and resolve all potential difficulties.

Global coverage.
Worldwide logistics

We ensure the global distribution of goods, wherever you may be. Our global network and expertise enable us to provide efficient logistics anywhere on the globe.

Global coverage.
Worldwide logistics

We ensure the global distribution of goods, wherever you may be. Our global network and expertise enable us to provide efficient logistics anywhere on the globe.

Shipping flexibility/
Customized shipping

Tailored logistics schedules ranging from immediate
air options to economical ocean transport.

Personalized approach. Oversized cargo

We take into account the unique needs of each client and effectively handle the transportation of special cargo (oversized, overlapping, and others), paying full attention to every detail and requirement of your shipping.

Personalized approach.
Oversized cargo

We take into account the unique needs of each client and effectively handle the transportation of special cargo (oversized, overlapping, and others), paying full attention to every detail and requirement of your shipping.

Secure cargo

Safety in logistics transportation is a priority. Reliable protection for your cargo is ensured at every stage
of transportation.

Global coverage. Worldwide logistics

We ensure the global distribution of goods, wherever you may be. Our global network and expertise enable us to provide efficient logistics anywhere on the globe.

Shipping flexibility/ Customized shipping

Tailored logistics schedules ranging from immediate
air options to economical ocean transport.

Personalized approach. Oversized cargo

We take into account the unique needs of each client and effectively handle the transportation of special cargo (oversized, overlapping, and others), paying full attention to every detail and requirement of your shipping.

Secure cargo

Safety in logistics transportation is a priority. Reliable protection for your cargo is ensured at every stage
of transportation.

Our factual foundation and arguments
are supported by reliable connections
with proven partner-companies…
…and long-term work
with loyal clients.
Our factual foundation and arguments
are supported by reliable connections
with proven partner-companies…
…and long-term work
with loyal clients.
Our factual foundation and arguments are supported by reliable connections with proven partner-companies…
…and long-term work
with loyal clients.

> 5 years

of stable operation

> 1000​

completed transactions

Comprehensive logistics package:
Container shipping services adjusted to our clients demands

Our contact

Get in touch with us:

Choose us for fast freight solutions —

a comprehensive package adjusted specifically for you.

Get in touch with us:

Choose us for fast freight solutions —

a comprehensive package adjusted specifically for you.

Get in touch with us:

Choose us for fast freight solutions —
a comprehensive package adjusted specifically for you

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